Incredible Result in CLAT 2019 and 2020

12वीं के बाद युवाओं के सामने विषय कौनसा चुने यह प्रश्न खड़ा हो जाता है। आज के युवा ऐसा विषय चुनना चाहते हैं जिसमें करियर के अच्छे अवसरों के साथ में अच्छा वेतनमान, प्रगति के अवसर हों।
अगर आप जानना चाहते हैं किस विषय में करियर की संभावनाएं हैं तो हम बताते हैं लॉ या कानून की पढ़ाई के बाद क्या-क्या अवसर हैं।
कानून के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों जैसे सिविल लॉ, कॉर्पोरेशन लॉ, क्रिमिनल लॉ, इंटरनेशनल लॉ, पेटेंट लॉ, टैक्स लॉ, लेबर लॉ, एडमिनिस्ट्रेटिव लॉ, संवैधानिक लॉ में विशेषज्ञता हासिल कर रोजगार पाया जा सकता है।
आज व्यक्तिगत जीवन के साथ ही कंपनी और संगठन के स्तर पर भी कानूनी सलाहकारों की जरूरत बढ़ी है। कानून के क्षेत्र में करियर के लिहाज से बहुत चमकीली संभावनाएं हैं। अब न्यायिक प्रक्रिया से जुड़ना सामाजिक ही नहीं, पैसे और प्रसिद्धि दोनों नजरिए से बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हो गया है।
The LL.B graduates can work in:
Legal Cells of Private and Public Sector Companies
State Bar Councils
Consulting FirmsIndian and Foreign Law Firms
Legal Department of Foreign Companies
Multi National Companies
Global Audit and Compliance Firms
Interested candidates can also pursue higher studies after the completion of LL.B. The master’s degree offered after LL.B. is LL.M. Research programmes are also available for master’s degree holders in law.
Job Profiles:
Public Prosecutor
Legal Advisor
Legal Expert
Attorney General
Law Reporter
District & Sessions judge
Teacher & Lecturer
Munsifs (Sub-Magistrate)

CLAT 2019 Exam Pattern
Candidates should check this section to know about CLAT exam pattern details of UG & PG courses including mode, duration, marking scheme, negative marking, etc.
Exam Date: The examination will be held on 12th May 2019.
Mode: The examination will be conducted in online mode (computer-based test).
Duration: The exam duration will be two hours.
Type of Questions: Multiple choice/Objective type questions will be asked in the exam.
Number of Questions: Total 200 questions (for UG) & 150 questions (for PG) will be asked in the examination.
Total Marks: The question paper will be of 200 marks (for UG) & 150 marks (for PG).
Marking Scheme: In correct response, one mark will be allotted to the candidates.
Negative Marking: For the incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

CLAT, AILET, 2022 & 23 1 & 2 Years Coaching for 11 & 12th Students (any stream)
08 months Programme for Graduated/ Doing Graduation
Starting 14th June & 12th July 2021
for Doing Graduation/Passout Students (any stream)
For 2022 & 23 Batch
Admission is Going On
CLAT Crash Course
from April 2021
AIBE 2022 for LLB Pass Aspirants (All India Bar Council Exam)
Small Batch Size (12 Students)
CLAT 2021 Exam Updated Pattern
Candidates should check this section to know about CLAT exam pattern details of UG courses including mode, duration, marking scheme, negative marking, etc.
Exam Date: The examination was to be held on 13th June (tentative).
Mode: The examination will be conducted in offline mode (paper-based test).
Duration: The exam duration will be two hours.
Type of Questions: Multiple choice/Objective type questions will be asked in the exam.
Number of Questions: Total 150 questions (for UG) & 150 questions (for PG) will be asked in the examination.
Total Marks: The question paper will be of 150 marks (for UG) & 150 marks (for PG).
Marking Scheme: In correct response, one mark will be allotted to the candidates.
Negative Marking: For the incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

CBSE & JAC (English medium)
CLASS 8-12
Biology, English, Accounting, Political Science, Business Studies, Economics, Sociology, Enterpreneurship, Marketing etc - for Class XI & XII CBSE (Arts, Commerce & Science Students)


14 Years experience in Prominent institutions like Chanakya IAS Academy, TIME, Vidyamandir Classes (Ranchi), Sikkim Manipal University, Centum Learning Limited etc

Classroom Programme
Free Demo Classes
Updated & Printed Study Materials
Test & Test Series
Previous Yrs Qn. Papers
Current Affairs

We provide FREE COUNSELLING to students who are seeking to join Law universities in India. If you are a CLAT, AILET, BHU, AMU, MHCET, Jamia or DU-LLB aspirant we are here to help you. The structured and cohesive test series covers a wide range of topics and the comprehensive study material provides more than sufficient practice. If you believe that that you have it in you to pursue a career in Law, come to us, to have what we call the EduWorld.
The Eduworld Edge
Course Specifics
Counselling and Admissions are open for CLAT 2021, 2022 and other Law Entrance.
Extensive Course Coverage: Special focus on Legal Reasoning and Legal GK to ensure maximum selection probability for the aspirant.
Comprehensive Sectional Tests/Mock tests: Tests are based on latest examination pattern (modified in Jan 2020).
High Quality Study Material: Study material along with books, worksheets for class room and home work exercises, with past questions and extensive practice
Quality Faculty: Faculty who are well qualified with in depth understanding of subject matter. Classroom orientation is towards giving results in CLAT.
Covers all major Law Entrance Tests viz., CLAT, AILET (NLU-Delhi), MHCET (Law), BHU, AMU, Jamia, Osmania etc.
Exhaustive and relevant Study Material – Concept Books, Smart Guides, Class & Home Exercises etc
Extensive Classroom Training
Academic Support
Special focus on English, General Awareness and Legal Aptitude
Extensive Test Practice – Mock Tests, Periodic Tests, and Speed Tests